Messages of Support
Successful, well known and influential people often have little time to become involved with projects that are not directly related to their profession or personal passion.
Even though they may not have the time to become actively involved, their acknowledgement, and well wishes, for the work of others can be inspirational and encouraging for everyone involved.
Below are some of the messages we have received that inspire us in our work on AWNTK. We are deeply grateful to those who have taken the time to share their messages with us.
Facebook PM from Juno Nominated Canadian Rock Band, Crown Lands:
Hey Randy! This sounds incredible but we’re really busy right now with our recording schedule. We wish you the best!!
Email from Gordon Marshall
Legend of a Band - GO NOW! The Music of The Moody Blues
"I am genuinely fascinated by your project and would love to help, but I think it might be a project too far for me at the moment.
I know the challenges you face in getting something like this off the ground and they are immense. However, your motivation is admirable to say the least and I certainly hope you get the success you deserve. At the moment we’re not in the position to be able to offer any help and it’s not because of the money, it’s purely the time involved. I wish you all the very best with your dream and hope at some point we would be able to contribute, so don’t rule us out, this is more of a “not yet” reply.
Keep me posted with your progress and let's hope the stars align further down the road.
All the best!
Gordy Marshall
Director of Legend of a Band Ltd. Gordon toured with the Moody Blues for over 25 years and now tours the world with an all-star ensemble delivering the timeless genius of the Moody Blues to faithful fans and new generations of music lovers around the world.
Email from Dr. Zena Ryder
"Randy is one of the nicest people you'll ever meet. He also feels and thinks deeply. And he takes action! I admire and support the ambitions of the AWNTK project, and hope that it contributes to making the world a better place.”
Email from David Moscrop:
Academic, Writer for MacLean's magazine and Commentator on CBC, MSNBC and CNN
Hi Randy,
Thanks for writing and for the kind words. The project looks very interesting -- I was instantly mesmerized by the turntable on the landing page, as it happens. I'm buried at the moment with my book out and a major research project about to launch, so I'm useless for other things, unfortunately.
But this looks great and I wish you all the best!
Take care,
Email from Nataley Nagy, Executive Director of the Kelowna Art Galary:
From: Nataley Nagy
Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2019 10:00 AM
To: Randy Zahara - awntk.com
Subject: RE: All We Need To Know re Randy Zahara
Good to see you too and WOW that is some amazing project.
When do you plan to return to Kelowna?
From the desk of:
Nataley Nagy
Executive Director
1315 Water Street, Kelowna, BC