Knowledge is required to make independent choices that have value.
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How do we know what knowledge is? What is truth? If we wish to make an enlightened decision in a partisan / tribal world, we need to be able to identify what truth and knowledge are, and we must be able to filter out all the propaganda and political bias. Only when we have the will and courage to do this will we be able to better understand the world we live in and our own role in it. This type of examination of knowledge is called Epistemology and the state of awareness and freedom we achieve through this process is called Enlightenment
The "All We Need To Know" Prologue raises questions related to Epistemology. This song is an introduction to the concept, which we hope will provide an inspiration for some people to engage in further reading.
We have found some helpful resources related to Epistemology, and other informative Philosophical content at Philosophize This, a podcast by Stephen West. Especially relevant is episode 63 in which Mr. West discusses Immanuel Kant's view on the limits of human knowledge.
"If we could adopt the mindset that knowledge is prescious and that when things go wrong it is not because there is some kind of evil force that needs punching in the gut, and spitting at, but because we are not understanding something, and it is our job and our duty to seek to understand, to look for those errors and if we were to adopt that mind set there is literally no limit to the journey we could go on together." A quote from Chris Anderson, 'The guy lucky enough to run TED'. From the TED Talk Interview, "The Infinite Reach of Knowledge" by David Deutsch
If you have thoughts on Epistemology, or have links to other informative or enlightening content, please post below. Please note, only positive, helpful content will be permitted, if you are only capable of providing destructive or disrespectful content, please find a different site to troll.

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