Love is All We Need To Know (Fernando Varella Version)
Love is the power of the gravitational pull that the soul exerts upon the universe, and that the universe has upon each soul.
Are you tired of the hatred and negativity that divide our politics, dominate cable news and spread like a wildfire through social media sites?
Do you believe that our world would be better off if we treated each other with more love and fairness, and if we spread hope and respect instead of fear and hatred.
The world pays attention when a message is simple, forceful and has broad support. If you agree with the following quote please click on the link under the last line of the statement below and add your name to the list. Join us in this effort to show the world that it is time for a change...
"I believe we get further when we build each other up instead of knocking each other down, when we look to the future instead of dwelling in the past, when our principles are valued too much to put them up for sale, ...and I believe that the power of love is stronger, will last longer and will create a better world than the love of power ever could!" The Power of Love Petition
Of all the gifts we have to give to ourselves, to each other and to the world, love is the greatest. Love is a pathway of enlightenment and connectivity that we travel, along which we find the strength, respect, compassion, understanding, forgiveness, inspiration and empathy needed to free our world from lies, fear, revenge, greed, hatred and tyranny.
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Philosopher Erich Fromm wrote:
Love touches every aspect of our lives. Love is nothing else than the realization of the species because in love, one is related to other human beings as one is to oneself. In love we share the suffering of others as our own., and in Love we find the voice to communicate with the infinite.
One's life has value so long as one attributes value to the life of others, by means of love, friendship, and compassion. (Simone de Beauvior)
God is dead. God remains dead. And we have killed him. How shall we, murderers of all murderers, console ourselves? (Friederich Nietzsche "The Parable of A Madman")
Even before Nietzsche, wrote of how science, progress and modernization had killed God, Philosphers had filled countless volumes, and had dedicated centuries of thought to developing a moral code of ethics and duty based on secular reasoning and rationale. Their great challenge was to justify why, outside of any kind of metaphysical belief sysetem, independent, consciously aware, free people should support universal laws of morality and justice that require them to occasionally act against their own interest in support of some social or altruistic goal. The only realy answer to this question, is because their love for someone, or something else is greater than the sacrifice they are making for the object of their love.
Love is All We Need To Know!!

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