Often we find ourselves wasting time arguing over questions that may not have answers. Meanwhile we are ignoring problems that we can, and must fix, but which we are indifferent to because we feel powerless, or we are too selfish to address them.
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Immanuel Kant would encourage us not to let the "Hypothetical Pollution" stand in the way of our enlightenment, but to have the courage to seek knowledge and truth and to use it bravely in pursuit of our purpose.
There are many in our society, both leaders and followers, who do not have the courage, or the integrity, to seek, accept, or tell the truth,. They use a combination of logical fallacies to support their arguments because they are either too lazy or too afraid to expose their positions to an unbiased examination of the facts.
Renè Descartes, the 17th century French Philosopher, is famous for his declaration. "I think, therefore I am!" This certainty is considered by many to be the foundation of Western Philosophy. The song, Hypothetical Pollution suggests that we often spend too much time arguing over things that may not be provable by us, or may not have any positive impact on our world, while not doing enough with the knowledge, solutions and truths that we have already discovered.
In this discussion thread let us talk about what some solutions might be, and also what you consider to be Hypothetical Pollution. Click here for further reading on the possible limits of knowledge

wow such an amazing information thanks for sharing